Friday, December 16, 2011

Dreams of the Fallen: Hope For the Lost [Pokemon OOC/signup]

Dreams of the Fallen: Hope for the Lost

When the sky illuminates a radiant fire, it stirs something within the hearts of others. It flushes out emotions hidden deep within our souls, our hearts, and it rises to the surface. They are called dreams, something everyone has. Whether they are a trainer, or a member of a crime organization, they all have dreams. Sometimes, the path they choose is not always the right one, and it leads them down a path of injustice and deceit. Sometimes, the path they choose might be a step in the right direction, but lead down a different path in their destiny.

Every trainer has a destiny, a dream to fulfill and they would stop at nothing to achieve it. But what happens when a group of crime syndicates abduct their one Pok?mon they cherish? They embark on a journey to retrieve the Pok?mon, and along the way, develop a bond thought taboo. Will the trainer forsake everything for the criminal? Or will the Criminal change his/her ways and return the stolen Pok?mon in return for something more? Their fate has been decided.

Code: Select all
[Place Image of your Character here]
[b]Name:[/b] [What is your Character?s Name?]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [Does your Character have a Nickname? If not, edit this out.]
[b]Birth Date:[/b] [What is your Character?s Birthdate? Month/Day]
[b]Age:[/b] [What is your Character?s Age? 18-30]
[b]Gender:[/b] [Male/Female]
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] [What is your Character? Be creative. Can be any Ethnicity and/or mixture.]
[b]Regular Clothing:[/b] [What does your character wear on a daily basis? Can be a description and/or an image.]

[b]Pok?mon Type:[/b] [What type(s) of Pok?mon is your Character interested in?]
[b]Starter Pok?mon:[/b] [What was your Starter Pok?mon?] [Kanto-Unova Regions]
[u]Pok?mon Party[/u]
[What other Pok?mon does your Character have? List more if you?d like.]

[b]Status:[/b] [What is your Character?s Status? GymLeader/Trainer/Breeder/Rocket Member/Coordinator][If a Rocket Member, what is your Character?s Rank? Grunt/Leader/Etc.?]
[b]Interest:[/b] [Who is your Character interested in?][What Pok?mon did your Character Steal? ? Only for Rocket Members ? This will also be your Interest.]
[b]Change:[/b] [Does your Character change his/her ways to be with the one they love?][If Rocket Member, does your Character reform or convince the trainer to join?]

- This is the number one rule. Be Respectful To Others! I cannot stress this enough. A long time ago ? before I quit roleplaying ? other role-players were at each other?s throats and it was just chaos. I want to keep this role-play clean and friendly. Now I do not mind the character?s you are role-playing arguing/fighting whatever, but keep it down to a minimum.
- No pictures above 400x400 pixels.
- Do not control another role-player?s character unless they have given you permission and have notified me via PM or e-mail.
- This role-play is meant to be enjoyable and fun. Please, if you have a problem with something, notify me via e-mail or PM and we can discuss what you do not like or are having problems with.
- I understand that most of us have a life outside of role-playing, therefore; if you plan on being gone for longer than four days, please give me a head?s up and notify me of your absence. That way, if another role-player is waiting for your response, I, or another, may change the post to let them continue without you.
- I understand that not everyone is a grammar nazi, and I do not expect you to be. All I ask is that you know your grammar, when to use it, how to use it, and can post more than one paragraph. This role-play will require a three paragraph minimum and no maximum. Paragraphs are usually five to ten sentences long, so please keep that in mind.
- This is to be a Mature role-play. It also will comply with RPG?s rules and not exceed a PG-13 rating, however; if it does ? and is crucial to the plot ? you may e-mail/PM each other with the necessary information and then continue within the IC thread.
- You are not limited to the number of Attacks a Pok?mon can have, but please be reasonable.
- You ARE limited to a number of Character?s you can make. The limit is two, whether it is two females, two males, or one male, one female. Please, if you do make two characters, keep the gender ratio even.
- You are allowed ONE shiny Pok?mon. I don?t want everyone to have a team full of shiny Pok?mon.
- Absolutely NO Legendary Pok?mon in your team.
- If you are compliant with the rules, then we should have no problem.
- If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at I will get back to you as soon as I can.
- Your Character can be any Ethnicity and from any region. Kanto ? Unova.
- Other than these few rules, do have fun with this.

- Yamamoto Zaira - MoonlightSonata
- Yamamoto Aurelio - MoonlightSonata
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open

Team Rocket Memebers
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open

More spots will open as the spaces are filled

Name: Yamamoto Zaira
Nickname: Ai
Birth Date: 9/24
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese/Italian
Regular Clothing: [Zaira?s clothing]
Pok?mon Type: Fire/Dark/Flying
Starter Pok?mon: Oshawott ? Samurott? [Piove]
Pok?mon Party
- Zoroark? [Kokuei]
- Houndoom? [Fuori]
- Rapidash? [Aoi]
- Krookodile? [Kuro]
- Rufflet? [Rosso]
Status: Breeder
Interest: Whoever is interested.
Change: Depends on pairing.
Name: Yamamoto Aurelio
Nickname: Yamamoto
Birth Date: 11/23
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese/Italian
Regular Clothing: [Aurelio?s Clothing]
Pok?mon Type: Water/Electric/Flying
Starter Pok?mon: Squirtle ? Blastoise? [Ame]
Pok?mon Party
- Pidgeot? [Aria]
- Raichu? [Rai]
- Herdier? [Leale]
- Steelix? [Sacra]
- Haunter? [Fantasma]
Status: Trainer
Interest: Anyone who is interested.
Change: Depends on pairing.


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