Tuesday, April 10, 2012

daniel - Monastery Recipe Cookbook and Budget Travel Ideas Taste ...

Specialty Travel Guide Monasteries that Make Food

Monastery Recipe Cookbook

Madeline Scherb is author of A Taste of heaven, a monastery recipe cookbook and budget travel guide. A Taste of Heaven talks about?Belgian beer, Trappist beer, desserts, fruitcake and other food and drink made by monasteries, and offers tips for traveling to Europe.

It includes recipes from celebrity chefs Charlie Trotter and Rick Bayless, from French chefs, and from celebrated monk-and-chef Br. Victor who contributed many vegetarian recipes. The book also explains the difference between a Belgian beer and a Trappist beer, and includes Trappist beer recipes.??

Scherb plans to launch heavengourmet.com in 2012, where readers can shop for online beer gifts, fruitcake, desserts, and candy; all purchases help support the monasteries that makes them. Scherb also plans to launch the Compassionate Consumer Guild, a group of volunteers who help monasteries with projects such as painting a guest house or planting a garden.

Now available as a Nook book, Kindle book and paperback. Signed copies of A Taste of Heaven, a monastery recipe cookbook and budget travel guide?with tips for traveling to Europe, are available at madelinescherb.com.

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