Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Self-Hosted File Sync Solution ownCloud Goes Commercial

owncloud01People love Dropbox and similar services, but companies -- especially large enterprises in regulated industries -- have an understandable aversion to file sync services: they allow company data on servers "out there" in the cloud, no longer under company control. ownCloud, essentially an open source, self-hosted Dropbox, has a unique advantage here as it's strictly a software solution, not a storage provider. I mentioned ownCloud in passing when I wrote about OpenSUSE 12.1, but I've been keeping an eye on the project since. To make ownCloud even more attractive to businesses, a commercially supported version is being launched today at The ownCloud server does a bit more than just file storage and synchronization. It offers CalDAV and CardDAV services to synchronize calendars and address books with your mobile device. Work is also underway to make it aware of the file types being stored within it, and to provide meaningful actions based on those types: photo galleries, music playlists, and more. There's a growing ownCloud app store to extend what the server can do. This is the power of open source: rather than relying on something like ifttt, you can have intelligent actions built right into the server you're running.

chipper jones

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